
62 佛罗里达
零 北约翰杨公园路2881号
407 847 6686






Josh L.(我是顾客)
有用吗? 2 0
自2018年11月以来,我有了与Kissimmee Motorsports合作的不愉快经历。平心而论,与我通电话并在店里共事的销售代表人很好,乐于助人,配件服务团队很有礼貌,财务团队当时看起来也很讨人喜欢。根据第一印象,我很满意,决定信任店里的每一个人。这是一个巨大的错误。首先,我发现销售代表给我的关于自行车功能的信息是错误的(即使它在手册中说明了),但我决定放手,因为2018年忍者400 ABS KRT版是一个全新的型号,错误会发生。在签署任何文件之前,我多次声明我将搬到德克萨斯州,并将自行车随身携带(16小时车程)。财务代表卡洛斯(Carlos)给了我一份我要签的东西的纲要,这样我就不用在那里待很长时间了。我非常感激你的好意。我绝对不应该。我后来发现他让我签署了一个不可转让和不可取消的预付维修计划,只能在基西米赛车运动使用$1,499 !

我联系了总经理,看能不能做点什么,因为我在德州。这位总经理非常专业,他说他会联系保修公司,看看是否可以例外,但没有任何进展,因为“他还没有从保修代表那里得到答复”。这是在我和他第一次谈话近3周后。清单上的下一个:我发现一个在零件部工作的员工卖给我的头盔遮阳板颜色不对。这只是火上浇油。名单上的最后一个发生在和一位叫罗伯特·格雷格的绅士谈话时。据他说,他是总经理的二号人物(后来证明是假的)。在和他通电话的时候,他决定把责任推到我身上,而不是假装同情我。他对我的评价是:“你说过你是一个注重细节的人,所以我认为你在签字前会仔细阅读所有内容。那么,问题出在哪里?” HIs comment was in a demeaning tone as if I was beneath him and he’s never made a mistake in his life. This sent me over the edge with everything. After going back and forth, Mr. Greg placed me on hold for 15 minutes before he got me the service manager. I spoke to a gentlemen named Mr. Cruz who turned out to be the most kind and apologetic person employed at Kissimmee Motorsports that I have dealt with thus far. He not only listened, he understood my frustrations and seemed genuine. He even agreed with me that Mr. Greg was unprofessional and did not follow policy for working with a customer. Even if this was fake empathy, it was greatly appreciated. After this incident, I was able to reach the GM (Norm) to fill him in on everything. He provided me with the company information that the prepaid servicing is through. After speaking to multiple RPMOne representatives, I was unhappy to find out the company (RPMOne) has no history of this contract. Nothing could be found for a prepaid service plan by the contract number or the VIN of the motorcycle. After explaining this to Norm, who turns out to be one of the two owners of Kissimmee Motorsports, he flat out said there’s nothing he can do for me. Now I am stuck with a prepaid service plan only usable at Kissimmee Motorsports. The unwillingness to help is overwhelming, especially since there has not been one service done to the bike. It still only has approximately 300 miles on it to this day. With that being said, my frustrations will be left here as well as other platforms for others to read. I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau and am already in touch with Kawasaki. All of my contacts located near the dealer will hear about this as well. If everything had gone smoothly from the start, I would’ve stuck with Kissimmee Motorsports and had future purchases shipped to Texas, but now I wouldn’t recommend this place for even the most of simple of tasks. Kissimmee Motorsports is NOT customer service oriented. Kissimmee Motorsports is only concerned with taking money and screwing the customer. With all that being said, kudos to whoever reads this whole review. Sales and the finance team are groups which lack communication while making shady deals, the parts employees may be careless, Norm unwilling to correct the mistakes of his employees, and the staff needs to be reconstructed from the top down and ground up.